Maple Plain is a thriving Minnesota community located 25 miles from downtown Minneapolis on U.S. Highway 12. Located in western Hennepin County, Maple Plain has a distinct traditional small-town character comprised of unique homes, businesses, and churches.
The City covers about 800 acres and is home to nearly 2,000 residents. Residents and visitors are drawn to the physical attractions of the area. Maple Plain is adjacent to forests, rolling hills, green meadows, productive farms, and beautiful lakes. Maple Plain is a community renowned throughout the Twin Cities region for neighborly values, active and caring citenry, civic stewardship, top-ranked schools, and positive business environment.
City Mission Statement
To enhance the quality of life for current and future generations of residents through strong leadership, effective stewardship, and exceptional service.
The City of Maple Plain has a Mayor-Council form of government with one Mayor and four at-large councilmembers. The elected City Council sets the policies for the operation of the City, and the day-to-day administrative operations of the city is the responsibility of the full-time city administrator. Maple Plain City Council is also advised by boards and commissions. For more information visit the City Council page.
Community Profile
The Metropolitan Council provides data on communities throughout the Twin Cities. A comprehensive community profile for Maple Plain is available here .
U.S. Census Bureau Data
For information about Maple Plain from the 2010 census or other U.S. Census Bureau statistics, visit the American Fact Finder website and enter Maple Plain, Minnesota.