The Bergman Silo Co. was founded in 1915 in Princeton, Minn. by the father of the two present owners. L. E. Bergman operated out of Princeton from 1915-1933. In the spring of 1934 the business was moved to St. Louis Park, Minn., where it was located for 26 years. With the growth of this suburb it was necessary to relocate and in the fall of 1959 the three acres on the west edge of Maple Plain, which constitute its present site, were purchased.
Sales volume has shown a steady increase and the company presently builds about 125 silos annually over a five state area. The size of each silo varies and many are as wide as 24 ft. and as high as 80 ft.
The father and founder died in 1957. Since then, his two sons, Virgil and Clinton have acted as President and Vice President respectively.