Four brothers, Henry Clay, William White, Daniel Clark and Joseph Charles Budd came to Maple Plain in 1865 from Indiana. Joseph some years later went back to Indiana. This family and Dave Cox, the Franklins, Fogelmans, Bradfords and others came together at the close of the Civil War, travelling with their families by covered wagon and suffering many hardships. All of these men were veterans of the ninth Indiana Battery.
Henry Clay Budd and his wife Eliza Ann, two daughters Mattie and Alice and son Oliver arrived in Maple Plain having traveled by ox team with other settlers from Indiana. They settled on Section 25 where they built a log cabin. Another son, William Marshall and daughters Grace and Nellie were born here. Later they built a large house on what is now Budd Street. It was the first frame house in Maple Plain. Henry Clay and Eliza lived in this house until they passed away.
Mattie married Joseph Chapman and had Grace and Eldon.
William Marshall married Zua Obert and passed away here in 1921. Their children were Howard, Gladys Setzler, Claude, Meryl and Lois Welker. The Claude Budd's have two sons, William and Robert, and the children of Meryl are James, Gerald, Kelly, John, Patricia and Rosemary.
Grace married Warren DeCamp and had daughters, Eestella and Etta.
Nellie, married Joseph Drysdale. They had a son, Marvin.
William White. Budd came from Indiana with his wife, Emmeline, and daughters, Ella, Anna and Lilly and son, William in a praire schooner. Later a son, Charles was born. They cleared and farmed the land where Halgren's Creamery stands. The old Odd Fellows Hall and many homes were later built on the site and also the Bryant farm. Later, with the advent of the first railroad through Maple Plain, the cut for the railroad was made through part of the Budd farm.
Ella Budd maried William Perkins, son of B. Perkins of Perkinsville. He drove a team of oxen, called Tom and Jerry, that pulled a bob sled loaded with railroad ties.
Charles married Lilly May Kennedy, daughter of William H. H. and Mary Painter Kennedy. Charles was deputy sheriff of Hennepin County for many years. Their children were Aimee Florence, Clinton Charles, Mary Louella and Ethel Irene. Ethel married William Frederick Schultz and had children, Harry, Deloris Cole, Richard and Robert. Ethel later married Frederick Heohage.