Street Maintenance includes a wide variety of basic services including:
Proper maintenance of city streets will extend the service life of the roadway surface and consequently reduce the need for costly road repair.
The City of Maple Plain considers and funds street construction/rehabilitation projects based on the Street Improvement Plan which prioritizes improvements based on a variety of factors including age and condition of the road and replacement schedules of utilities located under the street. For more in information and to see when your street is scheduled for improvements beyond patching view the Street Improvement Plan.
For information on current construction projects click HERE.
Patching in the winter and early spring months is done with a material called "cold mix" which is more workable at cold temperatures. Regular city pothole patching with "hot mix" asphalt begins in late spring when asphalt plants re-open for the season. Hot mix asphalt is more durable than cold mix asphalt and provides a more permanent repair of potholes. During the summer a comprehensive repair of potholes is completed based on Public Work's review of road conditions each spring.
Street sweeping is conducted the following time throughout the year.
Please help keep the storm sewer drains in front of your home clear of grass, leaves, and debris. Flooding and negative impacts on pond water quality can occur when storm sewer drains are not kept clean.
Hennepin County maintains the streets listed below. If you would like to contact Hennepin County you can call 612-596-0299 or fill out their online report .
The State of Minnesota maintains Highway 12. If you would like to contact MnDOT you can call 651-296-3000 or fill out their online report .