Dickey and Milbert Inc. of Wayzata first supplied gasoline to a station on Main Street in 1926. It was a Phillips 66 Station operated by Henry Pearson. Marcel Pearson operated the station about 1938 and at that time it was a Mobil Station. Then Henry Batdorf and Gus Gertz operated this station until 1939 as a Phillips 66 Station. In 1939 Dickey-and Milbert, Inc. built a new Phillips 66 Station on highway 12 with Gus Gertz managing it. Later Al Hillstrom ran this station, then Leslie Mills, Jim Budd and Neddermeyers ran the station. In 1952 it became a Mileage Station owned by Dickey and Shaver. In 1953 Wayne Stuckmayer purchased the business from Jim Budd. He sold out to Jim Hubbell in 1957. There were several managers until 1966 when Wayne Stuckmayer bought out Jim Hubbell and is the present owner.
In 1933, Andrew Swanson had a Conoco Station on highway12 where the present Texaco Station is. He did business in this location until 1939 when he bought his present location from Joseph Durant and built a Conoco Station and is still running it.
In 1939 the Texaco Station was built on highway 12 in its present location. Roy Ahlstrom was the first manager for 31/2 years. Julius Hardt ran the station until he was drafted. The station was closed for three years during the war. Kenneth Painter then leased the business and later sold out to Dale McPherson. In 1953 Kenneth Bryant bought out the business and ran it until 1967 when he sold to Norman Olson, the present owner.
The Maple Plain Phillips 66 Station was built in 1956 by the Calberg Oil Company. Marvin Jenson was the owner until 1960 when he sold out to Ronald Fratzke. It was then sold to Kenneth Schliinz, and in 1962 Marvin Jenson came back as manager. He is the present manager.
A Pure Oil Station was operated where Arvid Zweig now does business. Bud Peterson was the first manager, then Art Mongert, then Carl Meyer managed the business for
years. In 1951 Mobil Oil Company bought the station. Kenneth Bryant ran the station for a year from 1952 to 1953. He sold out to Robert Ferguson who ran it until 1955. A Standard Station located where Johnson's Motel is now, was in operation for a year with Loring Mills as manager.