Andrew Nelson with his stone-grinding wheel and the good flour and meal he turned out. The big Fourth of July and Decoration Day celebrations with crowds at the picnic grounds south of the creamery in Mack's woods. — The special trains to bring prospects up for the sale of lots on Turner's Hill, with a band to liven thing's up, and other inducements to spur the sale of property. The same sort of promotion later when Independence Beach was platted. — George Molton, the station agent, knit and sold beautiful caps for most of the women in town in his spare time. — Crowds gathering to see passengers arrive on the train with Alfred Sandeen there to meet them with a high-wheeled bus drawn by a fine team of horses, and watch them depart for the Maple Hill summer resort on Lake Independence. — Oscar Fetterley ran a movie in a tent across from where Sig Anderson's electric shop is now. The generator was run by a gasoline engine with a wooden pulley which came loose one evening and ran down the street.