In 1963 a medical building, owned by Doctor Leland Christenson, was built on Highway 12. Doctor Ralph Bergstrom Jr. came in 1967 as his associate.
Custom Service Company's business of helping other companies develop and service their special premium, contest, sales promotion, and merchandising programs began in Maple Plain in 1965. Custom Service runs its business in a new building which was added onto in 1968.
This Company employs approximately 100 men and women. The nature of this business has made Custom Service of Maple Plain known throughout the United States.
The Lock-Matic Tool Company, manufacturers of tools, dies, and small hand tools has been in Maple Plain 3 years in their present location in the old Moulded Products building since March, 1968. The owner is Walter Sarvie and his son Richard works with him.
Nyc and Ezy a food market containing a Rexall drug-store was built in 1966, on Highway 12 just west of the Maple Plain Bank. The store is open seven days a week and is owned and managed by Joe Reycraft, who is also the pharmacist of the drug department.
Maple Plain's first nursing home called the Maples was opened in November 1966. It can take care of sixty-seven patients. Clyde Wyman was the administrator in 1968.
In 1968 Dr. Alex Kowalenko, a dentist, had his office in a large building on Main Street which was built in 1966. There were two other offices occupied by the Lyon-Maski Insurance Company and Helmberger Lumber Company and also Ted's Pharmacy. On the second floor were six modern apartments.
The first apartment building, built by Everrett and David McKown in 1967 has twelve apartments. The second building built behind the first in 1968, has eleven apartments.
One of the new businesses in 1968 is a photographic studio called Reflections, operated by William Hedrick. The studio specializes in informal portraits taken in the home and in decorative pictures of many types, mainly in black and white. This business is located in the Schultz building where the post office was formerly located.