Welcome to the Official Website of Maple Plain Minnesota Maple Plain Minnesota

Current News

Public Notice 2/20/25

Public Announcement: Council Meeting Agendas 2/24/25

For agenda and packet information for the upcoming meetings on Monday, 2/24/25, go to the meeting pages for more details.Workshop 5:30https://www.mapleplain.com/events/88915/Business Meeting 7:00https://www.mapleplain.com/events/88961/

City Offices Closed 2/17

Council Meeting Agendas 2/10/25

For agenda and packet information for the upcoming meetings on Monday, 2/10/25, go to the meeting pages for more details.Workshop 5:30https://www.mapleplain.com/events/88914/EDA Workshop 7:00https://www.mapleplain.com/events/88937/

The City of Maple Plain is Rebranding – We Need Your Input!

The Maple Plain City Council has established a committee to redesign the city logo and develop consistent standards for signage and imagery throughout the community. The new logo will reflect the city’s identity, values, and vision for the future. W…

Cookies With Council

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