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City Council Workshop Direction 1/13/25




January 13th, 2025

5:30 PM


  1. Final Review of Committee Assignments 
    1. Council member Francis will stay on the Planning Commission
    2. Council member Arvizo will assume the responsibility of the Watershed Commission
    3. Orono Rotary - Council members will rotate quarterly.
  2. Final Review of 2025 Council Meeting Schedule
    1. Moving the business meeting that is on Memorial Day to Tuesday.
  3. 2025 Local Board of Appeal and Equalization Meeting
    1. The Board of Appeals and Equalization are assigned to April 7th but are looking to move the meeting to April 14th.
  4. Midco Fiber Application
    1. Finalize franchise agreement with Midco
    2. Seek approval from the council.
  5. Fire Department Vehicle
    1. Present the vehicle option to the Fire Commission
    2. Await Fire Commission's recommendation before proceeding
  6. Lighting Proposal for Fire Department
    1. Proceed with Noble Electric pending clarification of bid details.
    2. Present recommendations to the council at the business meeting on 1/27.

Additional Topics

  1. Council Chambers Recorder System
    1. The current recorder system has been in use for over five years and requires replacement.
    2. The proposed system offers updated technology similar to existing functionalities.
    3. Direction: 
      1. Council approves the purchase and installation of the new recorder system.
      2. Obtain council official approval at the next business meeting
  2. Warming House at Rainbow Park 
    1. Heater in the warming house is non-functional.
    2. Direction
      1. Dylan to find a suitable contractor.
      2. Ensure transparent pricing for repairs.

Additional Future Topics
  1. Ice Skating Rink Maintenance
  2. Pollinator Garden

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