Email Updates

Happy Spring! We have just received an update from the contractor- see below!

Howard Avenue and Independence Street:

Crews will be on-site Thursday, April 25 and Friday, April 26. They will be preparing for sod placement. Additionally, they will be reviewing concrete aprons and driveway work as well as preparing for replacements and repairs. We will keep you updated as we know more of a complete schedule.

Parkview Road and Maple Ridge Drive:

It is anticipated that crews will out in 1-2 weeks. We will update you once we have a more specific time-frame. Thank you for your patience!

Construction Contacts:

For any non-emergency type questions or concerns, please feel free to contact City Engineering staff using the information below.

Tanner Bakke, Construction Inspector - 320-267-4537

Dan Boyum, City Engineer - 612-712-2021

City of Maple Plain
5050 Independence St.
PO Box 97
Maple Plain, MN 55359

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