The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
- Kudos to Eagle Scout Denny Dzubay and his picnic table rehabilitation project. We appreciate his willingness to contribute to the city parks!
- The next Cookies with Council is Monday, May 16th from 4-6pm. Come join in the conversation (and the cookies!) with Councilmember John Fay and Administrator Clarissa Hadler.
- The Council reviewed the year-end financials at the May 9th Council Workshop. The 2021 Annual Financial Report can be viewed on the city website. Report
- The 2022 Mill and Overlay project begins next week. See the latest project newsletter for schedule and important information. Newsletter
- Save the Date! Spring Clean-up will be May 21, 2022, from 8 am - 12 pm at the Public Works Building. View FB Event.
- Volunteers Needed to check addresses, help unload items, and direct vehicles.
- Reminder - Party in the Park is coming up June 4, from 5 - 11 pm. Don't miss this great community event at our new and improved Veterans Memorial Park!