The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
Congratulations to all of the 2022 Graduates!! |
- The City welcomed a new employee, Grant MacFarlane, this week. Grant will lead our grant writing, communications, and code enforcement efforts, among other things. Stop in to City Hall to say "hello"!
- The next Cookies with Council is Monday, August 15th from 4-6pm. Come join in the conversation (and the cookies!) with Councilmembers Caitlin Cahill and Connie Francis.
- The 2022 Mill and Overlay project is substantially completed. The contractor will be finishing up a number of punchlist items in the coming weeks.
- The heat is coming! If you have any newly laid sod or fresh seeding from street projects, please remember to water.
- New lighting was installed in the Veterans Memorial Park picnic shelter, courtesy of Orono Rotary Club. Coming soon… the picnic tables will be getting refurbished as part of an Eagle Scout project in the coming weeks.
- The City Council held a hearing to review the Conditional Use Permit violations at 5060 Highway 12 (Collision Corner). More information can be obtained in the Council packet from June 13, 2022 meeting.
- The Council also approved the Preliminary Plat & CUP for a 5-unit development at 1701 Baker Park Road.