The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
- The next Cookies with Council is Monday, August 15th from 4-6pm. Come join in the conversation (and the cookies!) with Councilmembers Caitlin Cahill and Connie Francis.
- Nominations may now be submitted for the 2022 Good Neighbor Award! Nomination forms can be found here and will be accepted until Friday, October 14.
- Maple Plain is introducing a new grassroots program intended to provide interested parties with opportunities to improve recreational and public spaces in the Maple Plain community. Have a desire to volunteer or a great idea on how we can improve our outdoor spaces? Visit the Maple Plain Volunteering webpage to learn more! The first Volunteer Panel meeting will be on Tuesday, July 26 in the Council Chambers room of City Hall. Come to City Hall to participate and discuss the future of recreations in Maple Plain.
- Absentee Voting officially began at Maple Plain City Hall. You will be able to vote absentee through August 8, 2022 before the State Primary Election on August 9, 2022. Additional information on the absentee voting webpage.
- Crosswalks across Maple Plain recently received a new coat of paint thanks to Public Works staff member Dylan Hoflock! Photos showing the process of painting the crosswalks can be viewed on our Facebook page.
- The Summer heat is upon us! If you have any newly laid sod or fresh seeding from street projects, please remember to water.
- Iron Exchange has made great progress as they continue to improve the landscaping that is adjacent to their patio. Be sure to drive by and take a look if you haven't done so already!
- Night to Unite block party registration is officially open! Neighborhoods are encouraged to gather for block parties, cookouts, and other community-building events! Register your events with WHPS for a visit from our public safety staff. Block party registration closes July 26th, 2022 and Night to Unite will be on August 2nd, 2022. Visit westhennepin.com to sign-up or call Officer Cod Thompson (479-0500) with question.
- SafeWise recently released its 8th annual Safest Cities in Minnesota report! We are proud to share that West Hennepin ranked 3rd this year among all cities in Minnesota!
- With spring and summer weather comes an increase in stormwater runoff and an opportunity to improve your lawn and garden’s health for the summer months ahead. To learn more about how you can manage stormwater on your property, visit the stormwater management webpage.
- The City Council discussed September Event Planning and the West Hennepin Public Safety budget at the most recent Workshop. More information can be obtained in the Council packet from July 11, 2022 meeting.
- Past City Council meetings can be accessed via our YouTube page or the Meetings and Events calendar under the appropriate meeting date.
- The Planning Commission discussed a variance at 1675 Spring Avenue. The variance is for an internally illuminated sign in a Mixed-use Downtown zoning district. More information can be obtained in the Planning Commission Packet from the July 14, 2022 meeting.
- There is currently a vacancy on Maple Plain's Planning Commission. Those interested in applying to become a Planning Commissioner can do so by following the link here.