The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
- Maple Plain will be hosting the 2022 First Responder Softball Game between West Hennepin Public Safety and the Maple Plain Fire Department on September 8th from 6 PM - 8 PM at Veterans Memorial Park. All members of the community are welcome to come support and cheer for their local first responders!
- The City of Maple Plain is now accepting sponsorships for the four events that they will be hosting or co-hosting during the Fall of 2022. Sponsorships are a way for businesses, organizations, and individuals to show their support for the community. Different rewards are available as your sponsorship donation increases as well. Visit the sponsorships webpage to learn more.
- Maple Plain is introducing a new grassroots program intended to provide community members with the opportunity to directly improve recreational and public spaces in the town. Have a desire to volunteer or a great idea on how we can improve our outdoor spaces? Visit the Maple Plain Volunteering webpage to learn more!
- Nominations may now be submitted for the 2022 Good Neighbor Award! Nomination forms can be found here and will be accepted until Friday, October 14.
- Maple Plain is helping plan Art in the Park with Orono Community Education to be held on September 22 from 5 PM - 7 PM. Taking place at Veterans Memorial Park, the event will be providing live music, art tutorials and interactive projects hosted by Orono Community Education with additional collaboration from local Maple Plain artists, and food from McGarry's Pub and Forkless. We invite all in the community to attend!
- Movies in the Park will be returning to Maple Plain on September 16th from 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM in Veterans Memorial Park! Get your popcorn, blankets, and chairs ready for a night of fun as The Bad Guys is shown on our projector outside. We hope to see you there!
- Thank you to everyone that attended Cookies with Council on August 15th. Councilmembers Caitlin Cahill, Connie Francis, and Staff had a great time listening to and answering your questions!
- The City of Maple Plain was recently awarded the Hennepin County Active Living Grant. This grant will provide the City of Maple Plain with $5,000 that will be used to purchase new benches to be installed along the walking trails of Baker Park Road, Gateway Boulevard, Howard Avenue, and Oak Street. These benches will provide resting stops for those using these paths and should especially benefit our local senior population.
- The City of Maple Plain is also the recipient of the Minnesota DNR Preparing for Emerald Ash Borer Grant. This grant will provide $25,000 that the City of Maple Plain is to use for the betterment of our public lands tree systems. More information about the EAB grant can be found on our website here.
- Bituminous Roadways started work this week on a watermain repair project along Highway 12 between Spring and Maple the week of August 22, 2022. The work will be completed through a "pipe bursting" method. Highway 12 will remain open throughout the project with just lane shifting occurring around the week. More information can be found by following the link here.
- The City Council discussed a conditional use permit at 1755 Halgren Road, the solid waste contract, and multiple grants recently awarded to the City of Maple Plain at the most recent Business Meeting. More information can be obtained in the Council packet from the August 22, 2022 meeting.
- Past City Council meetings can be accessed via our YouTube channel or the Meetings and Events calendar under the appropriate meeting date.