The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
- General Election Day was Tuesday, November 8 and many excited Maple Plain voters visited City Hall to cast their ballot. City Staff would like to thank all those who volunteered their time helping administer the voting process and to everyone that partook in voting, both absentee and in-person. The City of Maple Plain had two City Council seats to fill in this election. The results are as follows:
- Connie Francis - 470 votes, 51.42%
- Andrew Burak - 417 votes, 45.62%
- Write In - 27 votes, 2.95%
- Congratulations to Connie Francis and Andrew Burak! More information on the General Election, please visit the Secretary of State's website here.
- The next Cookies with Council will be on Monday, November 21 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM in the City Council chambers located in the Orono Discovery Center. Come chat with Councilmember Mike DeLuca and Councilmember-Elect Andrew Burak about all things Maple Plain. Cookies and refreshments will be served.
- Hennepin County recently completed their planned safety improvements to the intersection of Highway 12 and County Road 92. The County created an educational video showcasing the project area before and after completion. This video can be watched by following the link here.
- Nine diseased and deceased ash trees were removed from Rainbow Park during the week of November 7th. The removal of these trees is part of the Emerald Ash Borer Grant that the City of Maple Plain was awarded by the Minnesota DNR. Eighteen new trees will be planted in Rainbow Park and Veterans Memorial Park to replace those that were lost and to ensure that our natural tree canopy remains a highlight of the community. More information on the grant, and how the City of Maple Plain plans to utilize it, can be found at the following link: https://www.mapleplain.com/news/post/15620/
- The West Hennepin Public Safety Reserves are sponsoring the 41st annual View Santa program on Saturday, December 3rd! Come to Veterans Memorial Park (1664 Budd Ave, Maple Plain) from 4:45 PM - 5:30 PM to meet and take photos with Santa, or even watch him on his route through town! WHPS will also be collecting nonperishable food donations for local food shelves during the event.
- The final yard waste collection day has officially passed. Effective Monday, November 14th, Republic Services will no longer be collecting yard waste and brush. This service will resume next Spring.
- Winter snow is here, meaning Maple Plain winter parking restrictions are now in place. Parking is not allowed on any street November 1st - April 15 from 1 AM - 7 AM (this policy is in effect even when there is no snow). After 3 inches or more of snowfall, parking is not allowed on any City street until that street has been flowed full width.
- The first snowfall of the year also means that the sidewalks in our community may be snow-covered and slippery. We would like to remind residents with sidewalks abutting their property of their responsibility to keep them snow-free. Your dedication to this duty ensures that our community can still safely utilize our sidewalks during this time of year. Thank you!
- Street sweeping was completed the week of Monday, October 24. Thank you to all residents for parking your vehicles off of the City streets, this allowed the street sweepers to complete a quality and thorough job throughout Maple Plain!
- Freezing temperatures and snowfall are officially upon us! Cold temperatures means that the public restrooms at Veterans Memorial Park are now closed for the season. Rainbow Park's public restrooms will remain open as they are heated.
- The City of Maple Plain would like to thank those that currently sponsor our Community Events. It is because of the contributions of these local businesses and organizations that the residents of Maple Plain are able to enjoy quality events within our community.
- 2022 Maple Plain Community Event Sponsors are as follows:
- Orono Community Education
- Forkless / Smokin Bonez
- Spikes & Houles Feed, Seed, and Pet Supply
- Bergerson-Caswell, Inc.
- The Bank of Maple Plain
- Herc-U-Lift, Inc.
- Bagy Jo, Inc.
- Maple Plain is introducing a new grassroots program intended to provide community members with the opportunity to directly improve recreational and public spaces in the town. Have a desire to volunteer or a great idea on how we can improve our outdoor spaces? Visit the Maple Plain Volunteering webpage to learn more!
- The City Council declared the results of the 2022 General Municipal Election at the most recent City Council Special Meeting. More information can be obtained in the Council packet from the November 14, 2022 Council meeting.
- The City Council discussed the Good Neighbor Award, the 2023 City Budget, and other topics at the most recent City Council Workshop. More information can be obtained in the Council packet from the November 14, 2022 Workshop.
- The Economic Development Authority discussed a downtown development update and the 5210 property during their most recent EDA Meeting. More information can be obtained in the EDA packet from the November 14, 2022 EDA Meeting.
- Past City Council meetings can be accessed via our YouTube channel or the Meetings and Events calendar under the appropriate meeting date.