The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
- The City of Maple Plain recently conducted a utility rate study for 2023 - 2027. The findings of this study will be used to help the City better establish its financial goals, including the capital improvement plan and rate changes. To view the utility rate study, click here.
- West Hennepin Public Safety will be hosting the 2023 Citizens Police Academy starting on April 6th, 2023. This program teaches citizens about police operations, policies, challenges, and more. The Citizens Police Academy occurs every Thursday and concludes with graduation on May 25th, 2023. Visit the dedicated WHPS webpage to learn more: 2023 Citizens Police Academy
- Muffins with the Mayor will be held on March 8th, 2023 from 4 PM - 6 PM in the Maple Plain City Council Chambers (5050 Independence Street). This event is a great way to get to know Mayor Julie Maas-Kusske, ask your City-related questions, and enjoy free muffins! We hope to see you there!
- Maple Plain is seeking volunteers to assist with tree planting as a part of the Preparing for EAB Grant. This volunteer project will involve planting 18 trees to replenish those that were lost due to emerald ash borer infestations. We are hoping to schedule this project for May of 2023, pending weather. If you are interested in volunteering for this or any other event, visit the Maple Plain Volunteering webpage to learn more!
- Are you interested in other volunteer opportunities? To receive emails in the future regarding any and all volunteer events, follow the link to sign-up for email notifications here.
- The City of Maple Plain would like to thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding regarding snow plowing services. We believe that improvements have been made and will continue to be made as the season progresses. Mayor Julie Maas-Kusske recently discussed our snow plowing services with journalist Jana Shortal on Kare 11's Breaking the News segment, which can be viewed here.
- The City of Maple Plain would like to thank every resident that has been helping keep fire hydrants and storm drains clear during the most recent snowfalls. Your work is noticed and appreciated. The Maple Plain Fire Department recently spent an evening clearing hydrants after the early January storm. Keeping those hydrants clear in the future could save your home in the event of a fire! Thank you for keeping our City safer and our storm drains clear!
- Maple Plain winter parking restrictions are now in place. Parking is not allowed on any street November 1st - April 15 from 1 AM - 7 AM (this policy is in effect even when there is no snow). After 3 inches or more of snowfall, parking is not allowed on any City street until that street has been flowed full width. We appreciate your cooperation!
- There is only a little over a month of Winter left, which means the Spring and Summer weather will be here before you know it! If you have any big plans, family reunions, birthday parties, or other events that you would like to host in a outdoor community space, you can do so by reserving one of our community park shelters at Rainbow Park or Veterans Memorial Park! More information on reserving a park shelter can be found on the dedicated page, here.
- The City Council discussed the 2023 - 2027 Utility Rate Study and improvements to the Rainbow Park baseball fields during the most recent City Council Workshop. More information can be obtained in the Council packet from the February 6, 2023 Workshop.
- The City Council further discussed the 2023 - 2027 Utility Rate Study and held the City Administrator review at the most recent City Council Workshop. More information can be obtained in the Council packet from the February 13, 2023 meeting.
- Past City Council meetings can be accessed via our YouTube channel or the Meetings and Events calendar under the appropriate meeting date.