The Leaflet is a mini-update from the City of Maple Plain; just a glance at recent Council discussions or other issues. If you have questions or ideas for future updates, please send them to cityadmin@mapleplain.com. |
- The 2022 Maple Plain Drinking Water Report was published on Monday, June 12, 2023. This report, also referred to as a Consumer Confidence Report, is comprised of City collected data related to the quality of drinking water in 2022. You can read the entire 2022 Drinking Water Report by visiting the following link: https://www.mapleplain.com/departments/PublicWorks/water.
- The City of Maple Plain has officially sent out Request for Proposals for Snow Removal Services during the 2023 - 2024 winter season. Proposals are due on June 30, 2023 by 9:30 AM. For additional information on bid requirements and scope of services, please visit the City's dedicated RFP page here: https://www.mapleplain.com/CurrentBidsandProposals
- The deadline for individuals to submit their application for the open City Administrator position in the City of Maple Plain was June 6, 2023. The next step in the process will be the selection of finalists, which is to occur on June 29th. If you are interested in learning more about the responsibilities of this position or in the City's process in finding a permanent City Administrator, please visit the Employment Opportunities page of our website.
- Save the date! The Maple Plain Historical Museum will be hosting theur Annual Ice Cream Social on Saturday, August 12th from 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Visit the Maple Plain Historical Museum (5240 Main Street E.) to enjoy this community event with tasty treats!
- Summer is officially upon us in Maple Plain! We would like to remind all residents of their responsibility to mow their lawns. Grass and weed nuisance reports (in which grass/weeds exceed 8 inches in height) are the most common form of nuisance complaints that the City receives during this time of year. Please help us keep the City of Maple Plain looking its best by maintaining your lawns!
- Thank you to everyone that was able to attend Cookies with Council on Tuesday, June 13th. Councilmember Francis and City Staff enjoyed speaking with residents about the future of the City of Maple Plain, listening to their feedback, and getting to know the members of the community a little better!
- Thank you to everyone that attended Party in the Park this year! Party in the Park was held on Saturday, June 3rd from 5 PM - 11 PM in Veterans Memorial Park. It was great seeing so many community members enjoying the nice weather and spending time together! We also want to thank the Orono Rotary for making this event happen!
- Please keep an eye out for ponding areas this spring. The City is investigating excess sources of rain water entering the sanitary sewer system. The main sign of ponding is a large area of pooling water that then recedes, but not into a storm sewer inlet. If you notice any ponding areas, please contact the City at 763-479-0515.
- Hennepin County is prepping for an upcoming mill & overlay project on Halgren Rd. south of Highway 12. The project is scheduled to take place later this summer. More information to come!
- The City of Maple Plain is moving forward with a 2023 Sealcoating Project to improve multiple streets in our community. More details, including a map of the streets to be improved through this project, can be viewed here.
- The City Council discussed fertilizing and weed removal in City Parks, snow removal RFPs, and city committees during the June 12, 2023 City Council Workshop. More information can be obtained in the packet from this meeting.
- The EDA discussed the proposed downtown development project during the June 16, 2023 EDA Special Meeting. More information can be obtained in the packet from this meeting.
- The City Council discussed the proposed downtown development project during the June 16, 2023 City Council Special Meeting. More information can be obtained in the packet from this meeting.
- Past City Council meetings can be accessed via our YouTube channel or the Meetings and Events calendar under the appropriate meeting date.